Myths about Hearing Aids

Hearing aids are essential devices for people with hearing loss. These electronic devices provide significant hearing support, allowing people to navigate everyday life and environments with greater ease and safety. Though hearing aids and hearing loss are common, there are numerous myths that can often contribute to delayed treatment. In fact, only a third of people who could benefit from wearing hearing aids, do not. Additionally, it takes an average of 7 years for people to address their hearing loss symptoms. Common misconceptions about hearing loss and hearing aids contribute to the inaction when it comes to treatment. Below, we’ve deconstructed the most common hearing aid myths to support hearing loss treatment!


  • Hearing aids are only for older people. One of the most common myths about hearing loss and hearing aids is that it is only relevant for older people who are aging. While aging is one cause of hearing loss, there are other causes that impact people of all ages. In fact, two-thirds of those with hearing loss are younger than age 64. Additionally, almost 15% of school-age children (ages 6-19) have some degree of hearing loss.


         Another common cause of hearing loss is exposure to loud noise. The World Health 

Organization (WHO) estimates that over 1 billion people, ages 12-35 are at high risk of 

developing hearing loss due to loud noise exposure. Hearing aids are an effective 

treatment options for people of all ages who experience impaired hearing. 


  • You only need hearing aids if your hearing loss is severe. Another myth is that hearing aids are only necessary if one’s hearing loss is severe. But hearing aids are actually designed to treat all levels and degrees of impaired hearing. Hearing loss exists on a spectrum, from mild to profound and even the slightest form of hearing loss can and should be treated. Hearing aids are calibrated to meet an individual’s specific hearing needs. This means that they can be programmed to address mild to severe degrees of hearing loss. People often avoid treatment because their hearing loss is seemingly minor but left unaddressed, this can worsen impairment. 

  • Hearing aids are bulky and unappealing devices. When you imagine hearing aids, you likely picture a device that is big and bulky. This misconception makes hearing aids unappealing devices that are too noticeable and attract attention. But today’s devices are sleeker and more aesthetically pleasing than ever before. There is a range of styles, color options, and sizes you can choose from. Hearing aids have award winning designs that elevate its look and make them wearable pieces of technology, like a smartwatch. It is important to explore all of your options which may surprise you!
  • Hearing aids are outdated. In addition to thinking that hearing aids are bulky, another misconception is that they are outdated devices. But similar to most electronic devices, hearing aids have experienced significant innovation over recent years. There are numerous features that maximize cutting edge technologies and are informed by user experience. Today’s features include: digital noise reduction, wireless connectivity, tinnitus management, and voice recognition capabilities. These features deliver sharp sound quality and increased connectivity. Many of today’s hearing aids also have a downloadable app that you can use to easily and conveniently manage your hearing aid settings. This often includes a virtual assistant (think Siri) that is available to provide even more support. These features and technologies allow hearing aids to seamlessly integrate into everyday life, supporting hearing needs in all environments. 

  • Hearing aids are too expensive and not worth it. Hearing aids vary when it comes to price. The price range is informed by a few factors including: type, model, and features offered. It is important to establish a budget and to share this budget with your hearing healthcare provider who will help you navigate your options. Hearing aids last between 5-7 years and are an essential item used in everyday life. This highlights that they are important investments in your health and wellness. 


Hearing aids are an incredibly effective treatment option for hearing loss. Today’s devices are more innovative and exciting than ever before. Hearing aids offer countless life-changing benefits that allow people to live more active and fulfilling lives. Contact us today to learn more about hearing aids and the options that are best for you!

Hearing aids are essential devices for people with hearing loss. These electronic devices provide significant hearing support, allowing people to navigate everyday life and environments with greater ease and safety. Though hearing aids and hearing loss are common, there are numerous myths that can often contribute to delayed treatment. In fact, only a third of people who could benefit from wearing hearing aids, do not. Additionally, it takes an average of 7 years for people to address their hearing loss symptoms. Common misconceptions about hearing loss and hearing aids contribute to the inaction when it comes to treatment. Below, we’ve deconstructed the most common hearing aid myths to support hearing loss treatment!


  • Hearing aids are only for older people. One of the most common myths about hearing loss and hearing aids is that it is only relevant for older people who are aging. While aging is one cause of hearing loss, there are other causes that impact people of all ages. In fact, two-thirds of those with hearing loss are younger than age 64. Additionally, almost 15% of school-age children (ages 6-19) have some degree of hearing loss.


         Another common cause of hearing loss is exposure to loud noise. The World Health 

Organization (WHO) estimates that over 1 billion people, ages 12-35 are at high risk of 

developing hearing loss due to loud noise exposure. Hearing aids are an effective 

treatment options for people of all ages who experience impaired hearing. 


  • You only need hearing aids if your hearing loss is severe. Another myth is that hearing aids are only necessary if one’s hearing loss is severe. But hearing aids are actually designed to treat all levels and degrees of impaired hearing. Hearing loss exists on a spectrum, from mild to profound and even the slightest form of hearing loss can and should be treated. Hearing aids are calibrated to meet an individual’s specific hearing needs. This means that they can be programmed to address mild to severe degrees of hearing loss. People often avoid treatment because their hearing loss is seemingly minor but left unaddressed, this can worsen impairment. 

  • Hearing aids are bulky and unappealing devices. When you imagine hearing aids, you likely picture a device that is big and bulky. This misconception makes hearing aids unappealing devices that are too noticeable and attract attention. But today’s devices are sleeker and more aesthetically pleasing than ever before. There is a range of styles, color options, and sizes you can choose from. Hearing aids have award winning designs that elevate its look and make them wearable pieces of technology, like a smartwatch. It is important to explore all of your options which may surprise you!
  • Hearing aids are outdated. In addition to thinking that hearing aids are bulky, another misconception is that they are outdated devices. But similar to most electronic devices, hearing aids have experienced significant innovation over recent years. There are numerous features that maximize cutting edge technologies and are informed by user experience. Today’s features include: digital noise reduction, wireless connectivity, tinnitus management, and voice recognition capabilities. These features deliver sharp sound quality and increased connectivity. Many of today’s hearing aids also have a downloadable app that you can use to easily and conveniently manage your hearing aid settings. This often includes a virtual assistant (think Siri) that is available to provide even more support. These features and technologies allow hearing aids to seamlessly integrate into everyday life, supporting hearing needs in all environments. 

  • Hearing aids are too expensive and not worth it. Hearing aids vary when it comes to price. The price range is informed by a few factors including: type, model, and features offered. It is important to establish a budget and to share this budget with your hearing healthcare provider who will help you navigate your options. Hearing aids last between 5-7 years and are an essential item used in everyday life. This highlights that they are important investments in your health and wellness. 


Hearing aids are an incredibly effective treatment option for hearing loss. Today’s devices are more innovative and exciting than ever before. Hearing aids offer countless life-changing benefits that allow people to live more active and fulfilling lives. Contact us today to learn more about hearing aids and the options that are best for you!

Elite Hearing Center


3557 Dempster St.,
Skokie, IL 60076

Office Hours


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 3:00 pm



